

The company has ladder passages and staircase tower equipment suitable for comfortable and safe access to scaffolding bays. Finally Biossol has special equipment and expertise for working inside shafts of any dimensions.

Erection Regulations
Modex stairways can withstand bads up to 5 kN/mz (assuming a 1.25 rn stair wicth) and conform to the standards DIN 24530 for steel stairways and DIN 1806-1
for stairways.
The handrails are designed in accordance with VBG 1.



Stairway use Landing planks Erection height up to Αποστάσεις στηρίξεως
Every 4m Top storey
p=5,0kN/m2 Steel planksHollow box planksAluminium stagesWooden planks 16 m yes yes
p=2,0kN/m2 24 m yes yes
p=2,0kN/m2 40 m yes yes


